Grievance Form v2.1

1 Enter Information
2 Review Details
3 Submit

If you would like to submit your grievance online, please complete the online form below and click Next to review before final submission. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy form, please print out the Grievance Form on the Members page. / Si desea presentar su queja en línea, complete el siguiente formulario en línea y haga clic en Next (Siguiente) para revisarlo antes de la enviarlo definitivamente. Si prefiere completar un formulario impreso, imprima el Formulario de quejas desde la página de afiliados.

Should you have questions about the process, please call the phone number on your membership card, or use the number for your plan below:
Plan NamePhone Number
Central California Alliance for Health- IHSS 1-800-808-5796
Central California Alliance for Health- Medi-Cal 1-855-765-9700
Employee Assistance Program 1-800-228-1286
Orange County Mental Health Plan 1-800-723-8641
TTY for all plans 1-800-735-2929

Section 1: Member Information

Please enter a Member Name.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Please enter a Member Birthdate.
Please enter a Member ID #.
Please enter a Member Phone Number.
Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Please enter a Member Address.
Please enter a City.
Please enter a State.
Please enter a Zip.

Section 2: Requester Information

If you are not the member, please provide the following information/Si usted no es el afiliado, brinde la siguiente información:

Please enter Your Name.
Please enter a Relationship to Member.
Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Please enter a Your Phone Number.
Please enter Your Address.
Please enter Your City.
Please enter Your State.
Please enter Your Zip.
Are you the member’s authorized representative or legal guardian? / ¿Es usted el representante autorizado o tutor legal del afiliado?
You must answer this question.

(Note: We must have written authorization to allow you to act on the member’s behalf.) / (Nota: Debemos tener una autorización por escrito para permitirle tomar decisiones en nombre del afiliado).

Section 3: Grievance Information

Please explain your grievance. Include details, such as / Explique su queja. Incluya detalles como los siguientes:

  • The name of the provider who will or has provided care/El nombre del proveedor que brindó o brindará atención
  • The date that the event took place/La fecha en la que tuvo lugar el evento
  • The claim or reference number for the specific decision that you disagree with/El número de reclamación o referencia de la decisión específica con la que no está de acuerdo
  • The specific reason why you don’t agree with the decision/El motivo específico por el que no está de acuerdo con la decisión
Please enter Details.
Please enter an Action you would like to have happen.

Members have the right to submit a grievance for failure of Carelon Behavioral Health's staff to provide trans-inclusive care.

For business regulated by the Department of Managed Health Care:

1368.02 Notice:
“The California Department of Managed Health Care is responsible for regulating health care service plans. If you have a grievance against your health plan, you should first telephone your health plan at 1-800-228-1286 (TTY 800-735-2929) and use your health plan’s grievance process before contacting the department. Utilizing this grievance procedure does not prohibit any potential legal rights or remedies that may be available to you. If you need help with a grievance involving an emergency, a grievance that has not been satisfactorily resolved by your health plan, or a grievance that has remained unresolved for more than 30 days, you may call the department for assistance. You may also be eligible for an Independent Medical Review (IMR). If you are eligible for IMR, the IMR process will provide an impartial review of medical decisions made by a health plan related to the medical necessity of a proposed service or treatment, coverage decisions for treatments that are experimental or investigational in nature and payment disputes for emergency or urgent medical services. The department also has a toll-free telephone number (1-888-466-2219) and a TDD line (1-877-688-9891) for the hearing and speech impaired. The department’s internet website has complaint forms, IMR application forms and instructions online.”

1368.02(b) Notice:
“El Departamento de Atención Médica Administrada de California tiene la responsabilidad de regular los planes de atención médica. Si tiene alguna queja en contra de su plan de salud, primero debe comunicarse telefónicamente con su plan de salud al 1-800-228-1286 (TTY 800-735-2929) y utilizar el proceso de quejas de su plan antes de comunicarse con el departamento. La utilización de este procedimiento de quejas noanula ningún derecho legal ni recurso que le correspondan. Sinecesita ayuda con unaqueja relacionada conuna emergencia,una queja que su plan de salud no ha resuelto de manera satisfactoria o que lleva másde 30 días sin resolución, puede llamaral departamento para solicitar asistencia. Es posible que también reúna los requisitos para una revisión médica independiente (IMR). Si cumple con los requisitos, mediante elproceso de IMR,se le brindará unarevisión imparcial de lasdecisiones médicastomadaspor un plan de salud respecto de la necesidad médica de un servicio o tratamientopropuesto, decisionesde cobertura para tratamientos experimentales o en investigación,y disputas por pagosde servicios médicos de emergencia o de urgencia. Eldepartamento también tiene un número de teléfono gratuito (1-888-466-2219) y una línea TDD (1-877-688-9891) para las personas con problemasauditivos o de habla. En el sitioweb del departamento,, encontrará formularios de quejas, formularios de solicitud de IMR e instrucciones en línea”.

Should you have questions about the process, please call the phone number on your membership card, or use the number for your plan below:
Plan NamePhone Number
Central California Alliance for Health- IHSS 1-800-808-5796
Central California Alliance for Health- Medi-Cal 1-855-765-9700
Employee Assistance Program 1-800-228-1286
Orange County Mental Health Plan 1-800-723-8641
TTY for all plans 1-800-735-2929


Use Previous button at the bottom of the form to go back and make revisions. Otherwise click Submit to finalize your submission.

Section 1: Member Information

Please enter a Member Name.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Please enter a Member Birthdate.
Please enter a Member ID #.
Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Please enter a Member Phone Number.
Please enter a Member Address.
Please enter a City.
Please enter a State.
Please enter a Zip.

Section 2: Requester Information

If you are not the member, please provide the following information/Si usted no es el afiliado, brinde la siguiente información:

Please enter Your Name.
Please enter a Relationship to Member.
Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Please enter a Your Phone Number.
Please enter Your Address.
Please enter Your City.
Please enter Your State.
Please enter Your Zip.
Are you the member’s authorized representative or legal guardian? / ¿Es usted el representante autorizado o tutor legal del afiliado?
You must answer this question.

Section 3: Grievance Information

(Note: We must have written authorization to allow you to act on the member’s behalf.) / (Nota: Debemos tener una autorización por escrito para permitirle tomar decisiones en nombre del afiliado).

Please explain your grievance. Include details, such as / Explique su queja. Incluya detalles como los siguientes:

  • The name of the provider who will or has provided care/El nombre del proveedor que brindó o brindará atención
  • The date that the event took place/La fecha en la que tuvo lugar el evento
  • The claim or reference number for the specific decision that you disagree with/El número de reclamación o referencia de la decisión específica con la que no está de acuerdo
  • The specific reason why you don’t agree with the decision/El motivo específico por el que no está de acuerdo con la decisión
Please enter Details.
Please enter an Action you would like to have happen.

“The California Department of Managed Health Care is responsible for regulating health care service plans. If you have a grievance against your health plan, you should first telephone your health plan at 1-800-228-1286 (TTY 800-735-2929) and use your health plan’s grievance process before contacting the department. Utilizing this grievance procedure does not prohibit any potential legal rights or remedies that may be available to you. If you need help with a grievance involving an emergency, a grievance that has not been satisfactorily resolved by your health plan, or a grievance that has remained unresolved for more than 30 days, you may call the department for assistance. You may also be eligible for an Independent Medical Review (IMR). If you are eligible for IMR, the IMR process will provide an impartial review of medical decisions made by a health plan related to the medical necessity of a proposed service or treatment, coverage decisions for treatments that are experimental or investigational in nature and payment disputes for emergency or urgent medical services. The department also has a toll-free telephone number (1-888-466-2219) and a TDD line (1-877-688-9891) for the hearing and speech impaired. The department’s internet website has complaint forms, IMR application forms and instructions online.”

Revisión por el Departamento de Atención Médica Administrada“El Departamento de Atención Médica Administrada de California tiene la responsabilidad de regular los planes de atención médica. Si tiene alguna queja en contra de su plan de salud, primero debe comunicarse telefónicamente con su plan de salud al 1-800-228-1286 (TTY 800-735-2929) y utilizar el proceso de quejas de su plan antes de comunicarse con el departamento. La utilización de este procedimiento de quejas noanula ningún derecho legal ni recurso que le correspondan. Sinecesita ayuda con unaqueja relacionada conuna emergencia,una queja que su plan de salud no ha resuelto de manera satisfactoria o que lleva másde 30 días sin resolución, puede llamaral departamento para solicitar asistencia. Es posible que también reúna los requisitos para una revisión médica independiente (IMR). Si cumple con los requisitos, mediante elproceso de IMR,se le brindará unarevisión imparcial de lasdecisiones médicastomadaspor un plan de salud respecto de la necesidad médica de un servicio o tratamientopropuesto, decisionesde cobertura para tratamientos experimentales o en investigación,y disputas por pagosde servicios médicos de emergencia o de urgencia. Eldepartamento también tiene un número de teléfono gratuito (1-888-466-2219) y una línea TDD (1-877-688-9891) para las personas con problemasauditivos o de habla. En el sitioweb del departamento,, encontrará formularios de quejas, formularios de solicitud de IMR e instrucciones en línea”.

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